I was privileged enough to be picked as one of the exhibitors for the final year project exhibition. Such a pleasant surprise seeming as I struggled a lot at the beginning.

Spent a lot of time setting up for the exhibition (more on the physical set up as compared to getting the software to run). Also changed the physical layout of my screens. Mr Kok Yoong advised me to use a shelf instead of stacking the monitors together.

A lot of taping involved to get the wires neat and organized.
Exhibition's in a few hours. Feeling xcited and nervous at the same time!
Final presentation slides for FYP.

(Click on image to enlarge)
Making preparation for my presentation in a few hours. Very anxious!
Everything seem to be working alright tonight. Hopefully it goes just as smooth in the afternoon!

The monitor on the second right seemed to be acting up a little. Hopefully it'll still function for the presentation!

Ijat trying out my installation.
So I managed to get my hands on 7 monitors (whoop whoop!) just to fill up the eight slots of the display splitter. I bought two second-hand monitors, borrowed a monitor from my dad's office as well as my friends Calvin and Kamil (thank you so much!). Also had to steal my family's monitor from home, and use my own to to add to the amount.

Many thanks to Calvin and Ijat for helping me carry the very heavy screens! :D
I was testing out the monitors this afternoon and took awhile to set up. The amount of wires are overwhelming, so I really need to figure out a way to make it neat. Also, need to find a cloth to cover the tables for presentation purposes.

After all the wires were plugged in, I switched on the monitors for testing. After a couple of minutes snapping the photo above, Calvin's monitor (on the utmost left) was short circuited and failed to work. :( The smell was pretty bad too. So now I'm one monitor down.
I'm not sure if I'm able to find another monitor in time, although Ijat did offer me his flat screen. Will see how it all turns out tomorrow!
Also, the Kinekt failed to calibrate any movement when tested. Hopefully, it doesn't continue to do so anymore!
My roomate Anna trying out the Kinekt with my updated flash file.
She used her hands and body in order to gain reaction from the kaleidoscope.