I downloaded this handy Photoshop plugin to create cool kaleidoscope effects from any image.
This is a screen shot of me converting a regular image to a kaleidoscope pattern:

The end result:

The pattern turned out really beautifully, and I'm very satisfied with the outcome. However, this is not the finalized design. Will create better, more colorful patterns. (:
For my project, there will be three different patterns of kaleidoscope images. Two of them will be generated via Photoshop, one of them will be a real-time image of the user, interacting via webcam.
I have worked out the layout of my content. This is an example of how it will look like:

The main image is of the current selected animation. The other two option is located on the bottom left and bottom right of the screen. Should the user want to select another image, they are required to hover their hands over their choice of pattern in order to generate it.
This video is just me explaining in words. Sorry if I don't make any sense though. been a long day. (:
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