Stateless - Ariel from FIELD on Vimeo.
"A digital dance performance exploring the eternal struggle of good and evil, for Stateless‘ latest single Ariel."
A great reference video that relates to color & motion. Animated by FIELD for Stateless.
"FIELD animated the two opponent characters of the song as surreal human figures, drawing dynamic sculptures into space. We collaborated with professional dancer Dominic North to record an impromptu interpretation of the song in a motion capture studio."
I'm not sure entirely how they picked particular colors to represent the motion, but the shades of color that were executed for the male and the female's movements were interesting.
For this music video, the dancer had to wear a special suit with sensors in order detect his movements which will be detected by the cameras and embedded into the software.
The making-of video and screen shots of the music video after this jump!
Making of... Stateless - Ariel from FIELD on Vimeo.

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